Going to the gym could make you FAT: Genes blamed for weight gain may block the effects of exercise
Cutting out one fizzy drink a day slashes diabetes risk by 25%: Replacing sugary beverages with unsweetened tea or coffee could combat epidemic
Revealed: The British primary school boy weighing 24 stone – and 312 young children who tipped the scales at over 16st
South-east Queensland revealed as fattest area in the country with more than 44 per cent of residents obese…while people in Sydney and Melbourne’s eastern suburbs are the fittest
Obesity epidemic to blame for record number of people suffering gout – and the sharpest rise is in patients in their 20s and 30s
The city too FAT for another takeaway: Council blocks new fast food restaurant because too many residents are overweight
WHO projections warn of burgeoning obesity crisis in Europe
Believe it or not, Britain is set to become the THIN man of Europe: Obesity crisis will be worse across continent than in UK
Europe ‘set for obesity epidemic’
Europe ‘set for obesity epidemic’eral inform